Questions about Circular

In a circular economy, products are designed from the start to be remade. That means materials flow back to the maker and the new product is made from the old product.

It is different from recycling, or up-cycling, where material is turned into something different before it is then thrown away.

A circular economy is infinite because by design the material flows in a loop. Our circular fashion page explains in more detail how it works.

Right now we're focusing on remaking our own products.

It's important to keep the materials stream pure and many other brands use plastic or semi-synthetic materials - even recycled plastic - that shed microplastics into our oceans.

Removing that is like taking an egg out of an omelette, whereas our products are made from natural materials in a way that is designed for easy re-manufacturing.

We also need to find a way to make it worthwhile for us to do recycling for other brands who don't currently pay for the waste they produce.

We are going to do this soon, so watch this space.

If you are a large brand that would like to access this service, please mail us using the contact form to stay updated on when this service will become available.

We use natural material like organic cotton and so the feedstock is natural. There may be trace semi-synthetic or man-made materials in the loop due to the nature of post-consumer recycled material and legacy feedstock. Basically, this means that old prints and bits of thread from structural seams, or material from other manufacturers that we have recovered and remanufactured, may contain small amounts of other materials other than organic cotton at trace levels. This is a natural consequence of keeping used materials in use and flowing.